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UPDATED: 10/10/2018 - 21:33

Atelex's responsibilities to the customer, its warranty (s) and its process policy (s) are strictly qualified in accordance with the Terms and Conditions mentioned below, and can be updated at any time:

1. ATELEX DO BRASIL TELECOMUNICAÇÕES does not guarantee that the content, instruments and materials contained, used and offered on this website are precisely updated or complete.

2. ATELEX DO BRASIL TELECOMUNICAÇÕES is not responsible, expressly or tacitly, for the improper use of the information, instruments, materials made available and / or the equipment used by this website, for whatever purposes, made by any user, being it is entirely responsible for any injuries in its own right or of third parties, whether or not caused by this inappropriate use.

3 . Under no circumstances will ATELEX DO BRASIL TELECOMUNICAÇÕES, its directors or employees be liable for any direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, losses or expenses arising from connection with this website or use of your part or inability to use it for any reason. part of, or in connection with any performance failure, error, omission, interruption, defect or delay in operation or transmission, computer viruses or line or system failure, even if ATELEX or its representatives are advised of the possibility of such damage, losses or expenses.

4. The adequate provision of all Internet resources, without exception, is the sole responsibility of the website user.

5. ATELEX DO BRASIL TELECOMUNICAÇÕES is not responsible for the content of other sites (a) whose addresses are available on the pages of this site, or (b) whose address of this site is available to them. ATELEX does not guarantee the reimbursement of any damages caused by the sites referred to in this item.

6. Regarding Atelex's process policy, the following conditions are as follows:

All requests, whether due to technical problems, service requests, cancellation requests and account requests, in order to be answered within the term described in the contract, must follow the following obligations:

a) Opening of a call through the customer service portal (;

b) Technical problems: Requests can be answered through the request through the customer portal or through telephone requests, directed directly to the technical department, through one of our call centers (11 2639-9057, 95 4000 and 0800-591 -1207);

c) Service problems: Requests can be answered through the request through the customer portal or through telephone requests, directed directly to the customer service department (SAC), through one of our call centers (11 2639-9057 , 95 4000 and 0800-591-1207);

d) Requests for cancellation of the contract: They will be answered upon request through the client's portal (, and will be concluded after returning the signed "TERMINATION TERM" document;

e) Requests for portability cancellation: They will be answered upon request through the client's portal (, and must be requested within a maximum period of 72 working hours in advance of the scheduled date;

7. About the plans and offers policy: All requests for plans, renegotiation of offers and requests for new services must be made by our commercial department or the customer service department (SAC). Requests must follow the following policies:

a) If the request is for downgrade, the following conditions will be analyzed for approval of the proposal, current value of the customer's invoice, billing average for the last three months, conditions presented by the base customer simulator and the customer's payment history.
b) If the request is for an upgrade, the customer's payment history will be analyzed, together with the analysis of the offered plan.

c) If the request is for a new order, it will be the client's legal analysis, together with the analysis of the offered plan.


Para agilizar seu contato com a ouvidoria, tenha em mãos o número do protocolo ou número do chamado (obrigatório) obtido na central de relacionamento Atelex Telecom e certifique-se que o telefone e e-mail informados na mensagem estejam atualizados, pois estes serão os meios de contato entre a Atelex Telecom e você.


O prazo de retorno das manifestações enviadas é de até 7 dias úteis.

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